Ladies and Gentleman welcome to another installment of Driver’s Q&A as I had the opportunity to chat with Sportsman driver Zack Ore who drives the #55. Zack has one win this season, as well as 12 career victories at the Madhouse.
Q: What was it that got you interested in racing?
A: I grew up going to 311 Speedway every weekend, helped my uncle John Ziglar with his dirt late model. I really enjoyed working on race cars and the competition of the sport. Didn’t have enough money growing up to afford to race so that was closest I could get hands on. When I got older I bought a go-kart myself and went racing and been involved ever since!
Q: You have been racing for years, Is there a certain driver or drivers (any division) that you have leaned on for advice? And what’s the best advice they’ve given you?
A: When I started racing at the stadium I really didn’t know anyone. I actually never went to the stadium prior to racing there! Two people that I respected the most and leaned on was Mack Little and Jeff Garrison. Mack was multi-time champion and very fast. I learned to lean on him for advice and still trust him to set up my cars to this day. Without Mack Little I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am now! As far as Garrison he was a respected driver and was always easy to talk to.
Q: Who would you say you enjoy racing with the most out there week to week?
A: My favorite driver to race against now is T Dawson. just cause he’s my teammate. But in reality I’d have to say Chase Robertson! The kid is no drama and respectful guy for his age.
Q: Some drivers have a story behind the number they run, Is there a story behind the 55?
A: The number 55 wasn’t my first choice. We ran 121 on my uncles dirt late model and I rolled that into kart racing. I was going to use the number 121 at stadium till I realize your only allowed 2 numbers. So I had to come up with another number. 55 is the birth year of both my parents. I chose that cause they gave me everything they could in life, even though many times they didn’t have it to give. Was my way to show little respect to them and what they scraficed for me.
Q: What is some advice you would give the young kids who are wanting to become a race car driver?
A: Best advice to never give up and coming drivers would be, earn respect by other drivers. Be patient and good things will come. Live out your dream.
Q: With the Sportsman 100 being rescheduled due to race, it’ll be ran on June 10th. What would it mean to you to win it?
A: I’ve came so close to winning the 100 lapper in past. I’ve won 40 lapper and 20 lappers but never the big one. I’m going to do everything possible to win this race in two weeks
Q: Obviously, you have the same goals and expectations as every other driver. But is there one in particular goal/expectation you have set for yourself this season??
A: I had two goals this season. One, not to get into unnecessary drama like years past. And two, finish the season with championship in hand. Two years ago I battled it out hard with Tommy Neal for championship and tying that year made me want it that much more. Hopefully 2023 is our year!
Q: Could we see you run a modified in the future?
A: I have no interest in modified racing. Although they seem fun and I’d love to drive one, financially doesn’t make sense.
Q: Over the years you have had some feuds/rivalries was there a feud/rivalry that you can say you actually enjoyed being a part of?
A: Obviously I’ve had feuds in past and present. Do I enjoy them? No. But sometimes you gotta put your foot down! Wise man told me once at the stadium “If you let them run over you they will”.
Would you say that it has motivated you to be a better driver?
A: As far as enjoying a rivalry, I’d say Tommy and I battling for the championship to very end was the most fun. That particular situation for sure motivated me to want more!
Q: How would you describe the new asphalt compared to the old? What are the pros and what are the cons?
A: Track is awesome. Love the smooth surface. Loved it much better last week after our first win of the season. Cons there aren’t really any.
Q: Last question, it’s something I like to ask drivers. “If you could race against any legendary driver (BGS or NASCAR) who would it be?”
A: Honestly don’t know. I didn’t grow up following anyone since I grew up around dirt track racing. Heck Junior Miller oldest guy I’ve ever seen race there.
Zack would like to thank his crew: Dad, Mike Conley, Jimmy Brewer, T Dawson, Ryan Putman, Brandon Woods, Blake Woods, Chris Bailey, Ralph Sperber, David Welch, Sharron Averill, Terri Gosh, Mom, Jessica Dawson, Joy Ore, Alexis Ore, Addy Ore, Mason Dawson, Makayla Dawson, Tiffany Conley, Alyssa Smith, Harley Conley, Kyler Conley
As well as his sponsors Sponsors- Jerry Johnson Motors (Carson Robbins), Pulse Vodka (George Gerdes), Moser Landscaping (Chris Moser), CTC Realty (Amanda Tucker), Stereo Shop (Blake Reid), VP Fuels, and Creative Pallet Design (Tony Florane)