Hosted by Ryan Smith
Bryce Davis, 4 star DE Class of 2025 at Grimsley High School joins the show. Bryce recaps his sophomore season and highlights his goals for next year. Bryce describes the college recruiting process so far and more! @BryceDavis45
Coach Darryl Brown in his 8th year as the Head Football Coach at Grimsley High School joins the show. Coach Brown talks about athletics growing up taking after his grandfather who was a longtime coach. Coach Brown describes transitioning from a player to a coach starting with his time at Northwest Guilford. Coach Brown reveals his coaching style and how it has changed over the years, previews the upcoming 2023 football season at Grimsley and more! @grimsleyfb
Visit https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tobacco-road-sports-radio to hear previous episodes of Where Are They Now – Triad All Stars with Ryan Smith!