It feels like basketball again in Greensboro.
Trudging through the coliseum parking lot just before noon, I wondered what to expect from this year’s ACC Women’s Basketball Tournament. The media check-in was in the same place, and I recognized familiar faces working the security area. After obtaining my credential, I walked down a corridor and saw the media/team/staff snack table fully staffed and operational, and to my left I saw folks helping themselves to the provided buffet lunch.
Another familiar face greeted me at the entry to the writer’s room, and it was then I realized, “We might actually make it through this.”
Two years ago, you see, was the last time I attended this event- normally my favorite event of the year and one of the best-run events in the country. I love it as much, if not more, than the men’s tournament, if only because the women understand that the tournament needs to be HERE every year. The last time I attended this tournament, I showed up to the men’s event the following week…and the world changed. I covered the Wake Forest/PItt first round game, and then everything started falling apart. Watching basketball with no or limited fans, and missing last year’s tournament gave me yet another reason to throw my hands up at the entire season.
Today, though, I’m sitting on press row listening to the Clemson band blare and yell and make a bunch of noise. To be sure, there are a lot more people here for the normally poorly-attended first round games. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s because I missed it last year. But folks are here and there are more trickling in. Player of the Year Elizabeth Kitley and her fellow NW Guilford Viking and Hokie Cayla King just walked in to watch the rest of the game. It feels right.
It feels like basketball.