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A Mixtape Changed Seventh Woods’s Life at 14. Years Later, He’s Picking Up the Pieces.

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Sports Illustrated

By Jason Jordan A mixtape changed his life at age 14. Nine years later, he’s happier than he’s been in a long time. Morgan State University is just five miles east of M&T Bank Stadium, where more than 70,000 of the rowdiest fans in the NFL convene on Sundays to passionately cheer on Lamar Jackson and the Ravens. But for Seventh Woods, it might as well be on a secluded island. He walks into the plush new student center, black hoodie pulled snuggly over his black KN95 mask as he beelines through a sea of people toward the Chick-fil-A line. No one shoots a that’s him! point, stops him for a selfi…

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